Ok. While in Phoenix the other day I heard from quite a few of you that you've been waiting patiently for the next blog post. Well, It's not like I've been slackin'. Since my last post we've had a mosaic workshop and 8 of us made mosaic panels for the Temple of Life. I went down to Gilbert, AZ for a week and built 9' high by 14' wide custom shelves for my aunt and uncle that just moved back to AZ from Alexandria, VA. Been to Prescott twice for Jana's fire group Pyroklectic practice and performance at Tsunami on the square. Hung out with Royce and Nita in Walnut creek. A 12-person travelling circus stayed at our house. We went to Phoenix again for my friends John and Noelle Spann's wedding. A friend from East Jesus stopped by on his cross country hitch-hiking trip. Chihiro from LA swung by on another of his rock hounding trips. Went on a Lake Powell house boat trip for 4 days with the ranch owners and a group from the school. Jana went to her niece Natasha's baby blessing. I co-taught a week long summer school class. The class was about leadership and peacemaking with Mother Earth through painting and weaving organic reclaimed materials taught to kids ages 8-14 at the STAR school with Owen founder of SOLIDCORE. I went back to Phoenix to see Abbey Mesmers show Submerged at Eye Lounge. We had 23 people camp out here for Jana's fire group to create a video to submit to Burning Man to be in Conclave—the largest fire show in the world... Oh, and I had to work on my New Jersey exhibit design project, and I found out I have a solo show at Eye Lounge on August 16th in Phoenix at 6pm. So I have to get crackin' on 6 more paintings that I want to finish before then. All while dealing with the usual and unusual ranch issues that come up when you least expect them. How was your month?
Frank Redford, Professional Hitch-hiker and story teller. He gets rides cause his thumb is plumb. Check the straightness of his thumb hand on that signpost behind him. Perfect form! |
I designed and built this gigantor shelf in 7 days from ash hardwood that all had to be cut straight, sanded, and stained in their garage. This project whooped my ass. I was sore for 4 days after. I love ash. I will work with her again. ©Carol Meyer |
Before I installed the shelf I asked my aunt and uncle to write a note and stick it to the wall for whom ever ends up in this house after them and decides to tear out the shelf. |
Celebrating a productive day of art making for the Temple. |
A Janaramic view of Lake Powell from the boat. ©Jana Davis |
Chillin' on the deck. ©jana Davis |
We almost ran over this little guy when we drove our kayak onto the shore. He hopped out of the way just in time! |
I don't even think that is all of our adventures since my last post. So until I get a moment to breathe and write up a proper post full of wit and clever insights, I shall lower my standards (and probably lose some subscribers) and give you..... GROSSWAY RANCH!!! A selection of images of gross things I've seen around here in the past couple of weeks.
As you may recall we filled up our wood burning hot tub. After a long day of Temple building I built a fire for it and several of us got in and had a great time. Well, there is no chlorine and pretty much the next day the water was green. In two weeks it was filled with mosquito larvae. Guess who went in there and baled out the gross ass water and got a splash of amoeba/lizard/mouse/mosquito larvae/human funk water in his eye? |
I scooped out a few lizards and a mouse from the hot tub water. |
The Dreamtime circus performing in the gym. Check out this short video of them here at the STAR school. |
The circus performers stayed here at the ranch. We had a little too much fun hangin' with these guys. We all stayed up till the early morning and they were all awake in before noon and raring to go do their next performance at Hopi in just a few hours.
Why did I put the circus in the GROSSWAY RANCH portion of the blog....... |
Because towards the end of the night a clown puked on my studio floor, on the painting (in the box to be shipped to the AZ Biennial), in our sink that goes to the grey water, and in his beard which he calmly picked pieces out of and ate. |
To be fair, I drank heavily that night too. Apparently I have become a major lightweight and drank like the old days only without the proper training I once had. At the end of the night I thought I was fine. I walked outside to say goodnight to the doggies sleeping on their couch (shown above). I sat down with them and immediately started puking my brains out. Duke the most chill dog in the universe even growled at me for coming over to their bedroom and barfing. I woke up out there as the sun came up and didn't recover till the evening. |
Cow leg behind the barn. Not sure what brought it over, but I'm sure it wasn't our doggies. |
Crows were all over this carcass. |
Sad...but GROSS! |
I found this bunny sleeping in the old water cistern. |
And this one was sleeping right in the middle of the road! |
Jack the attack cat's gifts to Owen