Burning Man. (sigh) If you've never heard of Burning Man or if you were expecting sublime pics of beautiful people in sexy road warrior attire with just the right amount of dust on their bodies to make it look all romantical and shit, please watch this video and come back.
Welcome back.
There is an unbelievable amount of work that goes into creating this event. Months before the city opens to the public people max out their credit cards to build giant theme camps and artworks, the DPW (Department of Public Works) builds the infrastructure including roads, buildings, and many of the larger structures. There are 2,000 volunteers as well as year round full-time employees that deal with everything from legal issues to port-a-potties. Ever thought about where 70,000 people in the desert take their dumps?
"Bathroom Beacons" by Starpony Arts. ©Jana Davis
Imagine that you are wearing an elaborate costume with an oversized synthetic fur coat and your back pack. It's 2am, you're out at the temple or at an art car dance party and you've got to poo.
- First you have to locate the potties in the chaos of millions of blinky flashy lights that decorate the city. The shitters are generally not lit up except for two very tiny blue lights on the end of 12 foot poles. Most likely you'll have to get on your bike and ride to find them. You know what streets the potties are on but you don't want to ride all the way back into the city.
- You spend about 20 minutes getting your friends together to come with you. You'll need somebody to hold your coat or your stuck taking it inside that tiny box with you. If your friends don't come there is about a 90% chance you may not see them for the rest of the night. If they don't camp with you there is a 50% chance you wont see them for the rest of the week.
- On your way to find the crapper there are hundreds of distractions. Stay focused, make sure your friends are still with you.
- You finally spot the nearest bank of potties. You better have a headlight. It is dark in there and you never know what could have been left behind on the walls. You DON'T want to find your way in there by touch!
- Now, how do you get your costume down around your ankles without letting it touch anything? Depends. Not those kind of depends...haha...
- Ok, after you finish up you are ready for your grand exit back into the city hoping that you got your costume back on right.
- No hand sanitizer in the pump outside? Well that is what your back pack is for.
- Find your bike, find your friends and get back out there!
We had early passes and arrived five days before the event actually started and set up a sweet little dialed in camp for six people. It doesn't matter if you have a large camp, an air conditioned RV, fly in on a jet to the Black Rock City Airport, or go in the gate by your self naked with nothing, not even a water bottle, you will endure a few hardships. Some people more than others, but at some point during prep and set up all of us will ask ourselves more than once, "Why the fuck do we do this?" I wish I could answer that in a few short sentences. Instead I will do as I do and show you some pics from our last adventure to Black Rock City.
Our group consisted of Jana, myself, my brother Steve, Dat, Ingrid, and our friend Quincy.
Burner translation: Our camp was called "Escargot Cult' on 6:20 and F. Janabanana, Foo, Anomaly, and DryHump drove up. Dusty Crusty Wendy and Horseshoe flew in and took the Burner Express into Black Rock City.
We planned to leave Flagstaff at 11pm Tuesday night. We got on the road around 3am. Ask any burner, four hours late packing is pretty damn good. I strapped four bikes to the top of the rental van while trying to ignore the stickers that said, "DO NOT STAND OR STRAP OBJECTS TO THE ROOF!!! Or it's a $2,000 dollar fee." |
Every square inch of the rental got stuffed with gear for 5 people and anything we could think of that someone might have wanted to play with. There is always room for one more hula hoop or fire toy. Once we got to the first gas station we had to unpack half of it to get the ice chests out and fill them with ice then re-pack it. First World problems. I know. |
I swore I would never bring my mini. After living at Gateway my poor little car got so rattled and filled up with volcanic dust on that dirt road that a little "playa dust" was nothing. |
After 17 plus hours on the road we finally made it to the single road that leads in to the city. The trailer in the photo above was in line with us. On it was a disassembled seven ton "Coyote" by Bryan Tedrick.
They caught a few people sneaking in with out a ticket so they made the vehicle searches more extensive and time consuming. We actually lucked out. Our greeter told us that the city had shut down twice that day due to rain and standing water on the playa.
Dat asked me last year, "Is it a blessing or a curse if it rains at Burning Man?" My answer was, "Everything at Burning Man is a blessing and a curse." If there is water on the playa your car or bike will be stuck. No question.
We arrived around two am the next day, staked out some land and slept in the vehicles. It was dark and we were too tired to set up camp. Thanks to Sweet thing, Sturdy, El Weso, Bravo, Purple Bean, Gravity and E. Sugar we were given the Center Camp Cafe Annex reasonably close to where we were going to be painting our murals. |
There was a different band up there all day, all night, all week long. It was cool, but getting there early means we could make sure not to camp by it. |
This was a luxury. During the first week we could drive over and get ice at Arctica. Once the event started we had to strap bags of ice to our bikes. |
DryHump woking on the evap pond and Anomaly adding the finishing touches to the shower. |
Anomoly taking advantage of a dust free spot before it becomes smelly water. That's our shower. Burning Man is a leave no trace event. We can't let our dirty water go into the ground. If it doesn't evaporate we would have to take it home with us. |
Inside our tent we have room to get ready. Up in the left corner is our washing station. It's important to wash your extremities to keep from getting "playa feet" or "playa hand" or even "playa face"! |
Camp life. |
It's encouraged to block out any advertising. Even though every single one of us had been to Bowel-Mart, Home Desperate, Q-haul and Fudget at least 10 times before we got there. |
The theme this year was Cargo Cult. An early shot of the man. The pavilion (UFO) was designed by Lewis Zaumeyer. |
"Helix" under construction. By Charles Gadeken |
Assembling "Thunderdome". Watch this battle. Two men or women or furry creatures enter one leaves. ©Jana Davis |
Our section of wall for our murals. ©Jana Davis |
Sweet or Sour? |
Foo and DryHump painting. Anomaly Photographizing. ©Jana Davis |
DryHump. |
I thought it was interesting that DryHump hadn't seen the art in the city yet but his painting felt like he had. "The Kazbah" (Soundcamp). ©Jana Davis |
Janabanana and I collaborated on this painting of a two-headed alien snail worshipped by one-headed snails. |
It was our take on the theme "Cargo Cult". |
After a long day of working I needed to relax in my "arm chair". ©Jana Davis |
One of the perks of volunteering is getting to eat in the commissary. We ate re-heated food at our camp most of the time so we savored the brisket and mashed potatoes. |
Rawr! Janabanana ready to go out and play. |
This is the coyote that was on the trailer on our way in. The head used to spin 360 but they bolted it in place after the wind picked up and almost decapitated someone. ©Jana Davis |
The event officially starts on Monday when Crimson Rose (one of the founders of Burning Man) does a ritual of lighting the fire in this cauldron that will burn down the man in 5 days. |
Art car. |
Ready to hit the streets. ©Jana Davis |
Octo Bar. Danzilla's camp. ©Jana Davis |
Janabanana says, "Show me buck teeth!" But someones not playing. ©Jana Davis |
Take two. Horseshoe, Dusty Crusty Wendy, and Foo. ©Jana Davis |
New drinking game. Spin the pointer and who ever it lands on has to be a baby bird to get a shot. ©Jana Davis |
Baby birding involves chewing up a Redvine licorice and regurgitating it into the baby birds mouth. ©Jana Davis |
Ok God I gotta go play flaming skee ball. ©Jana Davis |
Risky Ball. flaming skee ball. |
"Flame thrower shooting gallery". By Matisse Enzer. |
The man. Looking up at him through the UFO. |
Our home for 2 weeks. |
Our good friends Supersize and Dusty Rez in the spam mobile. |
They offered to haul our ice back to our camp. Their camp is on the other side of the city. So nice! |
You don't even have to leave your camp to see wonders like this. |
One of my favorite moments this year was getting invited off of the street into a tea ceremony. |
These guys came all the way from Hong Kong and provided traditional private chinese tea ceremonies. He is counting the beads so he knows how long the tea has to steep. |
Perfection! |
This was the camp next to the tea ceremony. To read more about what people do to inflatable toys go here. |
Composting. It's so dry out there it doesn't smell. |
The aliens have finally arrived! ...in their car?
I knew they wouldn't really come this year once they realized that we were burning a full sized UFO. |
Inside the temple was a basalt inukshuk. Rumor was that it took 900 hours of polishing to get that sheen. |
She shape shifted into her power animal right before my eyes. |
Whatever you want to do is there. Mile marker for the Black Rock City 50k run. |
Art car. |
I wish I could have seen this thing in action. |
Back to work on Saturday night. Janabanana's fire group Pyroklectic was chosen to be sentinels for the big fire show before the man burned down. I got to hold a torch. ©Jana Davis |
Before he burns his arms go up. ©Jana Davis |
Boom! ©Jana Davis |
It's hot inside the circle. ©Jana Davis |
Waiting for it to fall. ©Jana Davis |
Another favorite moment. Sunrise at the temple. |
Getting ready to see the temple burn on Sunday. ©Jana Davis |
All was quiet while she burned. ©Jana Davis |
In the flames stands the inukshuk. ©Jana Davis |
At our sentinel orientation the speaker said, "Don't jump in the fire tornados they are really hot". Um, would have never crossed my mind. ©Jana Davis |
We tore down our camp so we could leave early Monday morning. |
Burning Man is full of hardships. |
Nine hour line to get out of the city on Monday. There was rumor of rain and our friends needed to get to the airport in time so we braved it. ©Jana Davis |
Foo and Banana wish you adieu. Have fun at Decompression! |